Thursday, December 27, 2012

Online Payday Loans: Money Cash After The Holiday Weekend

If you are looking for Cash Money for the purpose after the holiday weekend. There may be a great solution for thought to request an online payday loan, here are some things you can expect to be asked on your payday loan application. Maybe after you Calm yourself from the world you during this activity. You will have problems in your finances in a few weeks or a month ahead and the time is not certain.

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

What Are The Symptoms And Stages Of a Brain Tumor?

From the latest research in the field of medicine it is evident that there are lots of patients who are suffering from the painful condition of brain tumor. It is a disease which has taken many lives and still many are struggling hard to survive from this detrimental syndrome. For the cure, many neurologists have been successful in fighting back this disease but still there is a lot more to do to face this challenge. And for this reason, the experts from cancer treatment and radiation therapy are coming forward to participate in the fight against cancer.

Brain tumor is a very harmful and dangerous disease. It only results in the patient's death if it is not controlled in its earlier stage. By reading this article you will know more about Brain tumor, its symptoms and its treatment process. This information will be helpful if you are suffering from the same condition.


There are many symptoms of brain tumor which neurologist describe. Among them, the most common symptoms are Headaches, Nausea, Hearing troubles, Sight misperception, Vision problem and sometimes problems in the behavioral functioning.


Regular headaches are common in a brain tumor patient. These are regular and frequent and can take place at any instant. When the headaches are in the primary stage, they are preventable, but when the disease enters a severe stage, they are unstoppable and can even take the patient's life. Well it can be and cannot be a complete sign of a brain tumor. If the patient is receiving constant headaches then it can be a sign but consulting the experienced practitioner to find out if it is really a symptom of this condition or not.

Vomiting and Nausea:

These symptoms are sometimes rare and sometimes frequent in the patient. Vomiting and nausea can be a middle stage symptom of the brain tumor, but for confirmation the patient should consult the neurologist. With the latest research, the experts have declared that there are 22 patients out of hundred who had called Nausea as brain tumor's symptom.

Loss of hearing and vision:

According to the latest report, there are 25% patients who had loss of hearing and vision. But it is also not a true symptom for brain tumor. Sometimes, it depends upon the tendency of the patient as to what sort of symptoms he or she is carrying with the disease.


Stage 1:

This is a very primary stage of brain tumor in which the cells are not fully shaped and they do not even start to multiply. The cure is easy in this stage as the cells can easily be separated from the brain through a surgery.

Stage 2:

This is a stage where the cell activates in a slow growth form. This stage requires instant surgery; otherwise there is chance for the disease to go into its third stage which is more dangerous and risky,

Stage 3:

This stage is proficient for the cells to split up. They starts growing more rapidly and it requires a serious attention if the patient is to be recovered.

Stage 4:

This stage is the extreme of all stages where the cure becomes very difficult because the tumor cells have populated the entire brain section. This stage is very difficult to cure but can be cured if an urgent surgery is carried out. Most of the brain tumor's patient die in this last stage as many times the surgery does not remove the disease. That is why many neurologists advice the patients to treat it the very first stage so that the disease stops spreading.

Stewart Wrighter has been searching the term cancer treatment New York in order to find the latest options because he is authoring an article on the subject for a major news magazine. He searched the term radiation therapy New York in order to find a treatment center.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Brain Cancer Chemotherapy Side Effects

Chemotherapy is one of the most popular methods of killing cancer within the body. It uses combinations of chemical compounds that kill off microorganisms. Though chemotherapy is an affective treatment it also comes with some negative consequences. Brain cancer chemotherapy side effects may include a loss of hair. It is possible to lose hair other than the top of the head. Hair loss may occur under armpits, face or even the groin area as well. Another concern includes feelings of nausea or the need to vomit. This usually occurs directly after receiving treatment. It can last for several hours after as well.

Some of the most common brain cancer chemotherapy side effects also include changes in bone marrow. Bone marrow is the liquid substances in side of bones. It is responsible for the production of red and white blood cells as well as platelets. During the chemotherapy process it interrupts bone marrows ability to produce enough cells that are vital to carrying oxygen and to fight off infections. It may also interfere with the body's ability to stop excessive bleeding from cuts. It may also leave brain cancer patients feeling weak as well.

Some brain cancer chemotherapy may affect sexual ability. It may reduce sexual desire. Sexual desire will resume at the end of chemotherapy treatments. Though sexual desire may return it may cause problems with infertility in women. Exposure to the drugs in chemotherapy may reduce the ability to become pregnant or produce children. While some may be physically able to perform sex the desire may not be there. This is not a cause for concern, as the desire will reemerge once chemotherapy sessions are completed.

Chemotherapy can be prevented if the proper methods are used. Physical conditioning before chemo is started may determine the severity of its adverse reaction. Not all chemotherapy treatments are the same so some individuals may experience more or even less side effects from therapy than others. If you experience memory function or memory loss as a result of chemotherapy it is best to talk to your doctor about possible solutions.

For more helpful tips and information on brain tumor and cancer visit Brain Cancer Symptoms blog, you will also find many other related topics to brain tumor as well as Brain Cancer Chemotherapy side effects.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

An Overview Of Brain Cancer

Brain cancer is caused by abnormal growths of cells in the brain. Brain cancers can start from primary brain cells, from the cells that make other brain components, or from the expansion of cancer cells from other organs that have extend to the brain by the bloodstream.

Malignant tumors develop and multiply insistently, subduing healthy cells by acquiring their space, blood, as well as nutrients. This is particularly an issue in the brain, as the additional expansion within the closed limits of the cranium can cause a raise in intracranial stress or the deformation of adjoining critical structures, leading to their break down.

Tumors that do not grow insistently are known as benign. More or less all tumors that start in the brain do not extend to other parts of the body. The key distinction amid benign and malignant tumors is that malignant tumors can enter into the brain tissues and quickly grow.

In most cases, a benign tumor is not as grave as a malignant tumor. Nonetheless, a benign tumor can become the source of several problems within the brain.

Primary brain tumors

The brain is formed by several different kinds of cells. Cancers occur as one type of cell alters and changes its usual traits. Once altered, the cells develop and increase in abnormal means. When these abnormal cells grow, they are converted into an accumulation of cells, known as tumor.

Brain tumors that occur from this alteration and abnormal development of brain cells are termed as primary brain tumors as they start in the brain.

Brain tumors differ in their growth speed as well as capacity to show warning signs. To find out severity, tumors are categorized by using a grading system;

    Grade I: The tissue becomes benign. The cells seem almost similar to normal brain cells, and cell growth is not fast.
    Grade II: The tissue becomes malignant. The cells seem less similar normal cells as compared to the cells in a 'Grade I' tumor.
    Grade III: The malignant tissue contains cells that appear significantly different from normal cells. The abnormal cells are rapidly growing. These rapidly growing cells are known as anaplastic.
    Grade IV: The malignant tissue contains cells that appear to be very abnormal and are likely to grow very rapidly.

Metastatic brain tumors

Metastatic brain tumors are the cancerous cells that reach other parts via the bloodstream from a tumor traced somewhere else in the body. The cells reach the brain from another tumor by a method called metastasis. Generally, the flow of blood in brain shows where the metastatic cancer cells are present.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Skull Base Tumors: Treatment Options

Head and neck tumors touching or even extending through the skull base require intervention by a multidisciplinary team of skull base surgeons, head and neck surgeons, neuroradiologists, and oncologists. Many tumors previously considered inoperable can now be treated using endoscopic and microsurgical techniques, which markedly reduce mortality and morbidity rates. Tumors forming in the orbit, paranasal sinuses, and base of the skull on which the brain sits, rest in sensitive areas that demand expertise and skill to avoid serious damage and disfiguring scars.

Generally, surgery poses the greatest benefits for patients with skull base tumors, especially for benign lesions. Often, physicians treat malignant tumors with a combination of surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Radiation, including radiosurgery or brachytherapy, helps preserve a patient's basic mental and motor functions over longer intervals than does standard radiotherapy. Physicians generally reserve chemotherapy for patients with inoperable tumors. Many postoperative patients require a period of rehabilitation therapy due to the sensitive nature of these tumors.

Serious skull base cancers often necessitate surgical removal, but the presence of critical neurovascular structures often limits surgical options. Specialized surgeons must identify and preserve these vital structures and often embrace multiple surgical approaches, such as transcranial-subtemporal, transochlear, anterior transpetrosal, tranmaxillary, and postauricular incisions. Should surgery prove initially impossible, a combination of radiation and chemotherapy may allow a surgeon to intervene at a later time.

Due to the complex relationships of these tumors to important brain and vascular structures, surgeons experienced in skull base approaches and techniques invariably have the best reported results.

Dr. Arthur Day [] formerly served as Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Texas Houston, Director of the Cerebrovascular Center at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, and Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pediatric Brain Tumors and Brain Cancer Alter the Definition of Normal

For most of us, today will begin like any other day. We'll sip our coffee, skim the morning paper, drop the kids off at school, and perform the normal rituals that make up our daily lives. The good, the bad, and yes, even the somewhat ugly; we'll tackle it all with confidence and a sense of comfort, knowing that tomorrow, as routine as it may be, we'll get to do it all over again.

But, for several families across America, today will be different. Today will be life-changing.


• Nine families will learn their child has a brain or spinal cord tumor;
• Three families will mourn the loss of their child to this dreadful disease; and
• Six families will transition to survivorship.

Each year, an estimated 3,400 children in the United States are diagnosed with a brain tumor or brain cancer. Approximately one-third of these children will survive no more than five years, making this the deadliest of all childhood cancers. For the families of these kids, there will never be another "normal" day. Their days will now be filled with medical appointments, treatment options, and learning how to operate within a new definition of "normal."

Thankfully, hope springs eternal. The survival rate for children with brain tumors and brain cancer has increased significantly over the past twenty years. Advancements in research have resulted in better treatment methods, improvements in the quality of life and the long-term outlook for these young patients. However, survival does bring with it an all-new set of unique challenges. Treatments can cause damaging late effects on survivors; effects that range from cognitive impairment, to physical challenges, to social isolation.

Collaborations between nonprofit organizations, research foundations and leading medical institutions have proven to be instrumental in the fight against these childhood cancers. By joining forces, these groups are able to connect the best of the best to keep research moving forward, raise public awareness, and provide support to the patients and families who need it.

Several non-profit organizations have been established over the years to provide help to families who find themselves on this new and very difficult life path. Most of these groups offer resources for education, assistance with medical and financial services, and much-needed emotional support through a variety of family outreach programs and special events.

These nonprofit organizations work tirelessly in their battle to make pediatric brain tumors and brain cancers a disease of the past. They are continually searching for research partners, corporate sponsors, and private foundations to help support ongoing research. Individual donations are also critical to the success of these organizations. While much work is being done, and progress is being made, the need to raise awareness, fund research, and provide support is ongoing.

A quick Internet search and a few simple clicks of the mouse will land you on the website of one of these dedicated, nonprofit organizations. Once there, you'll likely find an abundance of valuable information, along with resources and opportunities to help. Why not spend a little time today learning more about this devastating disease? Perhaps, make a donation, or even sign on as a volunteer. Not only can you help to redefine "normal" for these kids and their families; you might just alter your own idea of "normal" as well.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Stem Cell Banking and Back Up - Sure Why Not, Will They Help Cure Cancer Too?

Stem Cell discoveries give hope and promise to human health and longevity. Some have questioned the ethics of stem cell use to prolong life, regenerate body parts, and maintain human health for religious reasons. Not everything is as cut and dry, and these cells only work as well as they have been programmed and they can be hijacked quite easily and cause other problems in the event the individual has a diseased area where they are injected or even a cancer.

In fact there was a very interesting article recently in "Positive Futurist - Cutting Edge News and Information Covering Science, Technology, and the Evolving World" which was published on May 10, 2011 titled; "Future of Healthcare: Stem Cells, Genetics, Remote Monitoring" by Dick Pelletier. In the article was an interesting prediction;

"Though more research is needed to realize all the hopes and dreams of this 'stem cell magic', progress is advancing exponentially; especially in areas of creating dissolvable housing systems (templates) that direct stem cells to grow into specific parts, such as hearts, livers, pancreas, muscles, bones, eyes, skin, and teeth. However, researchers have noticed that stem cells degrade in quality as people age, thus, they will offer people the ability to "bank" their stem cells for future use."

Perhaps you will recall when Senator Edward Kennedy had brain cancer, and it was thought that a revolutionary new treatment using these cells might save him. What many people did not understand is by putting them into that area of his brain, it would only have caused those cells to be hijacked into cancer cells which would do the opposite of curing him. In other words, it would help the tumor grow, not contract or be pushed out by new brain cells. There may be other future experimental techniques that might work, we shall see in the future.

Whereas the concept is legitimate, science has found that indistinguishable stem cells will become whatever they are told to become, and can be easily hijacked into cancer cells. The banking and backup makes sense for other things, and could very much help with the longevity of an individual. However as people get older the copies of their cells are not quite as good, and there is more and more bad-information going on.

Thus, these techniques for certain types of cancer are not a viable option for the future, even if they hold promises and solutions for other diseases, and increasing human longevity. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it. If you have any new research, comments, questions, or case studies I'd sure like you to contact me by e-mail.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Protect Your Skull from Cell Phone Radiation - Play it Safe

When I was a young man in my 20s, I was running a business and I was quite proud of myself because we were doing fairly well, and for young man I was quite pleased with the monetary results each month. Indeed, I had one of the first cell phones, and I was paying between $.60 and a dollar per minute, and yet it seemed to pay for itself because of the inherent efficiency of rapid communication.

None of my competitors had a mobile phone yet, the best they had were those repeater phones were you had to push to talk, and they were much cheaper either. Needless to say, I was running over 1,000 hours per month on average.

Unfortunately, they didn't know back then all the know today about how dangerous cell phones could be to the biosystem. It turns out those phones back then operated on 3 Watts of power, no, that's not very much. But since the frequency of the cellular phones back then were in the microwave range, which they are today, that meant that I was holding the phone up to my ear, and that wasn't very good for the issues with cell phone radiation. Now then, my first phone sat underneath the seat of my vehicle, and it probably cooked the underside of my seat.

Later, I had a transportable phone which I walked around with, but again it was away from my body, so it was a little bit safer. Eventually I had a handheld phone when they finally got invented, which had quite a bit more power, but I held that unit up to my ear. Later on, about eight-years later, the cell phones started using less power and they went to a different system. The wattage was significantly less, as it is today, and therefore it's probably not too much of a problem as people hold this up to their ears, provided they are not using the phone a significant percentage of the time, let's say 500 plus minutes per month, but to be totally precise, you'd need to look at the data yourself.

However, people also commonly wore their cell phone on their belt. Those microwave frequencies can damage DNA, and the last place you'd want to put it is near your reproductive system, in fact you would not want it anywhere near. Nor would you want it next your brain, even though your skull could somewhat protect you. Remember microwave frequencies go through things; that's why your microwave oven has special shielding.

There was an interesting article recently in Kurzweil's Accelerating Intelligence Online News titled; "New Studies Reveal Evidence that Cell Phone Radiation Damages DNA, Brain, and Sperm" by the Editor posted on May 24, 2011. The article stated that a:

"New independent studies offer proof that confirms findings from the Council of Europe: pulsed digital signals from cell phones disrupt DNA, impair brain function, and lower sperm count, according to a statement by the EHT. It was found that four hours of exposure to RF-EMF disrupts the ability of human brain cells to repair damaged genes. Other new work from Australia shows damage to human sperm."

Brain cancer is quite serious, and so are things like Alzheimer, and other diseases of the brain. Your brain is your most important organ, and therefore you should be thinking, and playing it safe. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Brain Cancer Survival Rate - Dare to Know Your Chances

A brain cancer survival rate refers to the percentage of people who were reported still living after being diagnosed with the cancer about 5 yrs ago.

Basically, brain tumor is the abnormal growth of cells in the brain and we commonly refer to it as cancer cells. There are different ways in which a tumor may spread. One is that it can be a cause of the spread of cancerous cells originating from another body part or the cancer cells are really coming from the brain itself.

It is true that exposure to harmful chemicals leads to abnormal growth of brain tumor. It was statistically confirmed that about 80% of brain cancer patients are suffering from oligodendroglioma.

Cancer of the brain remains one of the most incurable cancers with an average survival period of one to two years.

Factors Affecting Survival

A five-year brain cancer survival rate may be influenced by several factors including the size of the tumor, at which part of the brain, the severity of the cancer and the stage. In most occasions, the general health of the patient is also an indicative factor of survival.

How do you calculate the rate of survival?

Survival statistics are based on a large number of people, and should not be used to predict the survival of an individual or patient. reported that children at the age of 14 have around 73 percent chance of surviving cancer of the brain and live until five years of more, while the rate drops to 55 percent with young adults between 15 and 44. Middle-aged patients between 45 and 64 have a rate of 16 percent, and older people have a survival rate of only 5 percent.

Other facts

Statistical facts show that with the proper combination and usage of radiotherapy and chemotherapeutic drugs, the lives of those with brain cancer may be prolonged. In some patients, the quality of live may even be improved but there are those who easily give up and were not luckily able to live more than 2 years.

The brain cancer survival rate presented here is based on a relative result. The total 5-year brain cancer survival rate from the years 1995-2001 was more than 33%. The relative survival rates at 5 years for brain cancer by race and sex were:

• 32.1 percent of Caucasian men
• 37.7 percent for African-American men
• 33.5 percent of Caucasian women
• 37.5 percent for African-American women.

Brain cancer survival rate statistics reveals that about 85% of physical disorders were affected by the negative mental and emotional stress at the fourth/metastatic stage of the disease.

Many patients could attest to the fact that negative emotion and mental stress weaken the immune system despite the fact that there is no such direct connection between negative emotion and cancer, medically speaking. This is one thing we should remember when dealing with patients suffering from cancer, in general.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Returning to School After a Cancer Diagnosis

"Back to normal" means "back to school" for most children who have been treated for a brain or spinal tumor. When your child returns to school, you want him or her to be treated as normally as possible and it will take the cooperation of both the school and the health care professionals working with your child to make this happen.. To make the transition back to school an easy one the teachers and school nurse should be encouraged to prepare classmates by providing them with information about the disease and treatment and answering any questions they may have. Let the teachers and classmates know what to expect and give them an opportunity to express their concerns and feelings. It is important for teachers to communicate to other students that cancer cannot be caught and that radiation treatments do not make a child who has them "radioactive." These types of open conversations may eliminate children's curiosity and make it easier for them to accept your child back into the class and help them to accept the differences in their classmates and make them more empathetic and willing to help. Some medical centers provide an education team consisting of a child life worker and health care practitioner who can help prepare the class for your child's return, which in some cases may be helpful.

In order to make the re-entry into the scholastic environment less abrupt for your child, the students and the teachers, a slow, transitional approach to reentering school can be helpful, perhaps only having lunch, attending specific classes, or going on a field trip with the class prior to a full-time return to school. It is important to update your child's teachers and the school nurse with whatever medical information will help them help your child in school. The more knowledgeable and familiar the teachers are with how your child functions, the more the classroom environment can be adapted to your child's special needs, no matter what level of school they may be returning.

Before your child returns to school, set up a meeting with the teacher, school nurse, and principal. This meeting will give you an opportunity to discuss any special requests or concerns you might have. Suggest that the meeting also include health care professionals such as neuropsychologists familiar with brain tumor treatments, including surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and shunts and give your child's teacher a copy of Cancervive Teacher's Guide for Kids with Cancer. You might want to meet or speak with the teacher on a weekly basis to monitor your child's progress; it might also be helpful to connect with your other children's teachers as well. Remember to keep an open line of communication with your child's school. The role the teacher plays is very significant to your child's developmental adjustment and recovery. The teacher and/or school nurse must inform you of any communicable diseases, such as chickenpox, that any class member has contracted. If your child is still in treatment and has not had chickenpox, exposure to this virus can be dangerous, and you should contact your physician immediately. (Chickenpox is worrisome primarily after chemotherapy; doctors rarely worry after radiation therapy.) If informed, teachers can deal successfully with problems concerning your child's self-image and relationships with peers as they arise.

Holding a meeting prior to your child's return to school can be helpful in determining any accommodations that may be needed to meet your child's special needs. Check to see if your school has wheelchair accessibility for both the classrooms and toilet facilities, as special bathroom privileges may be needed. Your child may need playground or gym exemptions, if he or she is easily fatigued or has coordination problems. Seating arrangements in the classroom may need to be adapted if your child has suffered permanent or temporary hearing or visual impairment. You may want to discuss modifying homework assignments with the classroom teacher. If your child needs to take medications during the day, it is very important that you inform the teacher and the school's principal and nurse what the medications are for and what their side effects may be. All of these procedures, if reviewed beforehand, will make a child's return to school much smoother.

The level of parental involvement wanted by a child varies by age, gender, and individual personality. It is important to discuss returning to school with children no matter what age to be sure everyone is on the same page and children are allowed to have a voice in the involvement of their parents in their school. For older children, such as those entering high school, autonomy and a sense of independence is viewed as a necessity for many and for this reason the teacher-parent relationship is very important, because although parents may not be wanted by children in their scholastic environment, teachers have a unique view and can not only watch out for a child but do so in a way that is not considered intrusive. In this way, parents can stayed updated on their child's progress without infringing on their child's world that they are more assuredly desperate to reenter.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Adult Brain Tumor Risks, Diagnosis, and Treatment

A brain tumor is a mass or growth of abnormal cells that have multiplied out of control. There are many different types of brain tumors. Some are benign, or non-cancerous, while others are classified as malignant, or cancerous. Symptoms you experience and treatment options depend largely on the type of tumor as well as its size and location.

Primary brain tumors are those that originate in the brain or tissues surrounding it. These tumors are much less common than secondary tumors, which occur when cancer from another part of the body metastasizes or spreads to the brain. While any type of cancer may do this, melanoma and cancers of the breast, colon, kidney, and lung are the most common to metastasize to the brain.

Researchers have not been able to determine exactly what causes brain tumors to form. Only a few risk factors have been documented. Exposure to radiation therapy of the head may put you at a higher risk for developing brain tumors. Certain genetic syndromes may increase your risk as well. Typically, there is not a clear indication of what caused the tumor to form. Research continues to determine if cell phones may contribute to the formation of brain tumors. At this time, no clear conclusions have been made linking the two.

There are no reliable screenings that detect brain tumors before symptoms appear. Patients may suffer from a variety of symptoms before visiting their physician for diagnosis. The size, location, and rate of growth of the tumor often determine what symptoms occur. Some of the most common symptoms may include:

    Headaches that occur more often and become more severe over time
    Blurred or double vision
    Hearing loss
    Unexplained nausea and vomiting
    Changes in personality
    Weakness or loss of movement in an arm or leg

If you experience any of these symptoms, visit your physician for a diagnosis. He or she will recommend a variety of tests to determine whether or not a brain tumor is the problem. Checking your vision, hearing, coordination, and reflexes with a neurological exam may indicate which part of brain is affected. An MRI allows the physician to scan your brain and evaluate the situation. A CT scan may be administered to determine if there is cancer in another part of your body that may have spread. If a tumor is found, the patient may undergo a biopsy to diagnose the tumor as benign or malignant.

Benign tumors are less aggressive than malignant ones and do not normally spread to surrounding tissue or other parts of the body. Even though they are not cancerous, benign tumors can still be very serious and possibly life threatening. If they are located in a vital area of the brain, exert pressure on sensitive nerve tissue, or increase pressure in the brain, these tumors may pose a serious risk to the patient. Benign tumors are often successfully treated with surgery, reducing the patient's risk of disability or death.

There are three standard types of treatment for malignant tumors: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. New treatments are constantly being researched and used in clinical trials throughout the world. For some patients, clinical trials are the best choice of treatment. Your cancer care team will make recommendations for the treatment options that best suit your particular situation.

It is important that those patients who are dealing with a brain tumor not only get the best treatment available, but also find support to cope with their diagnosis. Talk with your physician or oncologist about support options in your area.

Laura Mims is a writer for FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital, which specializes in oncology, cancer care, and cancer treatment in Pinehurst, North Carolina.

Monday, January 30, 2012

What Are The Causes Of Brain Cancer?

Here, I am going to describe the most common causes of Brian Cancer. As if you know the causes early, you can take proper precautions to live far away from Brain Cancer.

1. Deletion of Gene Causes Brain cancer: The deletion of a gene, normally present on chromosome 14, may cause cancer in brain, which is the most common, malignant type of brain cancer. Recently, the Researchers of Stanford University School of Medicine has exposed that the deletion of this gene, promote tumor development and grow resistance to therapy. This is frequently occurs in one out of every four cases of Brain cancer.

2. Heredity-An Important Cause: Risk of suffering from brain cancer is known to increase if a person has a family history of cancer. Cancer in brain often occurs with members of the same family, so heredity could be a cause of this.

3. Abnormal Cell Mutation: Primary brain tumors begin when mutations occur in normal cells within their DNA. Mutation may allow cells growth and divisions at increased rate, and to continue to living, when the healthy cells would die. As a result, a mass of abnormal cells occurs, which forms a tumor.

4. Uncontrollable Cell Growth in Brain Most Often Causes Brain Tumor (Brain cancer): Our brain has many different kinds of cells and each with a different function. If, in any case, these cells inside the brain begin to grow up uncontrollably, then this will surely lead to a tumor.

5. A Benign Brain Tumor may not be cancerous, but Malignant tumor could be easily Cancerous: A tumor in the brain may or may not be malignant. If benign, a tumor stays its own place, where it starts, though it can grow up very large, and put pressure on crucial areas. In case of a malignant brain tumor which has the ability to spread, and cause cancer..

6. Cancer, that begins elsewhere, of the body, spreads to the brain- Cancer can develop in the brain (Primary cancer) or may developed by spread up of other cancer that previously affects the body. If, any other part of the body has any type of cancer, and then there is a great possibility of occurring cancer in brain due to spreading from the infected part of the body. This is the Secondary (metastatic) brain tumor. The Cancers of the breast, lung, skin, or blood (leukemia or lymphoma) can also be spread up (metastasize) to the brain.

Finally, I want to say to all my readers to be very careful while using excessive cell phone. Radiation of cell phone is a great risk of developing Brain Cancer.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Brain Cancer Treatment Centers Abroad

A brain tumor occurs when there is an abnormal level of cell growth within the brain. A brain tumor can be either benign or malignant; these being non-cancerous and cancerous tumors respectively. Brain cancer is extremely serious and once had a very low rate of survival, but recent medical advancements have increased the chances of the survival.

One of the largest problems with brain cancer in certain countries is actually receiving the needed treatment. Costs are very expensive and it is difficult to find coverage. The hospitals, insurance companies, and financial aid organizations put up far too much red tape that must be gone through, and precious time is wasted. People are forced to wait far too long while their claim is still pending, and many are eventually denied help.

A miracle for some people has been the treatment for brain cancer abroad. In North America and some European countries, the waiting time for treatment and overall cost is so overwhelming that it negatively affects the odds of survival. But there are many foreign countries where patients can receive treatment at a much faster and reliable speed, and at more reasonable costs.

Getting treatment abroad does not mean that you will have to receive less effective treatment. There are many foreign countries with highly capable medical centers with professionals who were trained in the United Kingdom or the United States and have a good rate of success with cancer treatments.

Another great benefit of getting treatment abroad is that patients can visit new and exciting places while receiving care. It helps the patient to be more relaxed, optimistic, and happy during this time. There's no point spending every moment worrying. A change in scenery, beautiful sights, exiting things to do and see, and knowing that you're now receiving the treatment that you need, can help keep you in a positive mind-set.

The first step is to research your choices carefully. There are many options for brain cancer treatments abroad. You'll want to pick the hospital or clinic that sounds best to you. There are many that have good reputations and offer international care. Some great examples will be listed here.

One country that has done well with international brain cancer treatment is Singapore. One of the clinics here is the National Cancer Center, Singapore; or NCCS. Brain cancer treatment is available at this capable medical center, and they offer a foreign patient service to help international patients seeking brain cancer treatment abroad.

The Bumrungrad Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand is another great option. Some 430,000 international patients are treated every year at this multi-specialty hospital.

Klinikum Stuttgart is a highly modern and professional hospital in Germany. A large number of international patients receive care at this highly-professional hospital.

The Istanbul Memorial Hospital is yet another great option with a prestigious reputation. Like the others, they also treat many international patients every year and take great lengths to make sure patients receive the highest level of medical care.

All of these hospitals are highly qualified with great reputations. And there are other capable hospitals out there that can offer brain cancer treatment to international patients. With so many trustworthy options available, it stacks the odds in finding quick treatment at an affordable price. Trying to find treatment near home can be hard, so it's very good to know that there are other choices available.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Do Cell Phones Really Cause Brain Cancer?

The cell phone today is more ubiquitous than ever, and scientific studies continue to try to distinguish the relationship between cellular phones and cancer.

A recent study from the National Institutes of Health showed increased brain activity in participants exposed to cell phone radiation. The study used PET scans to measure the brain's sugar level, and found increased activity in regions closest to the phone's antenna after 50 minutes of exposure. Although the increased activity isn't directly linked to harmful effects, the human brain's evident sensitivity to the phone's electromagnetic waves does raise further questions.

In May 2011, the World Health Organization reclassified cell phone radiation exposure as "possibly carcinogenic," a label that places it in the same category as chloroform and lead. The most extensive case control study of cellular phones and cancer, the Interphone study, conducted across 13 countries for a decade found that the highest grade of mobile phone users-those who used their phones for 30 minutes a day over 10 years or more- were twice as likely to develop glioma, a malignant brain tumor. These results are alarming, particularly because the study failed to take into account that children and young adults are far more susceptible to cell phone radiation than adults.

Cellular phone radiation testing conducted by manufacturers also underestimates the amount of radiation that users are exposed to. A recent paper published in the journal Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine revealed that industry testing is done on a mannequin modeled after a 6'2", 200 pound man with the phone held one inch from the mannequin's ear. The study estimates that 97 percent of the population deviate from this unrealistic model of usage and experience greater exposure.

The Federal Communications Commission requires a mobile phone to have a Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), a measure of the peak of electromagnetic radiation level in a model, of less than 1.6 watts per kilogram. However, the peak SAR may not represent the actual SAR levels of a typical phone call. A cellular phone with a lower SAR may expose the user to more radiation on average than one with a higher SAR. A study conducted by a bioengineering research professor, Dr. Henry Lai, found effects of memory loss in rats exposed to SAR levels as low 0.0006 to 0.06 watts per kilogram.

As of 2010, there are over 223 million mobile phone users in the US over the age of 13 and the numbers are constantly growing. According to the CTIA, the Wireless Association, the total minutes of cell phone use in America in 2009 was 2.3 trillion minutes. Cellular phone users are also starting at younger ages. Given the indispensable role of cell phones in our lives and the increasing concern about an association between cell phone use and cancer, regulatory agencies should carry out more thorough investigations, and cell phone users should exercise caution and take steps to lower their exposure to cell phone radiation.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Cancer Causes and Prevention

Cancer is a very common affliction these days and kills millions every year across the globe. Depending on where the cancer appears, it may be simple to cure or even difficult to even treat, more or less eliminate. People often wonder out loud if there will every be a cure to cancer, but the problem we face is that there are many different types, but we do know what causes it and there are ways to at least reduce your chances of getting it.

There are really only two ways that cancer can exist. The first is through genetic mutation. Somehow or another from various possible sources, the DNA in a cell is damaged. This happens all the time, but where the damage takes place is the important thing. If it damages its ability to produce something, big deal. Just one less cell to do so. However, if it affects the cell's DNA which tells it to grow, it may start doing so with no limit. This is really what cancer is. These cells choke off others and consume large amount of resources, eventually killing the host.

Some people however seem to be born with a flaw in their DNA that makes some certain cancer almost inevitable. This is unfortunate as taking precautions may be almost pointless. Nonetheless, a cell starts dividing out of control and before long there are tons of these guys going haywire. The body normally fixes damage to DNA or kills rogue cells, but if one or more is able to escape certain destruction, it can start dividing such that the body cannot catch up.

Of course there are things that can be done to reduce your chances of cancer regardless of your genetic predisposition to it. Since your body is supposed to fix damage or kill messed up cells, even genetically disturbed cells produced naturally can theoretically be avoided. Of course there are a number of things that you should not do such as smoking, alcohol, and exposure to radiation. You should never tan and wear sunscreen while in the sun. Also avoiding harmful chemicals and fumes can be good as well. There are also things you should do such as eating a balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables, drinking plenty of water, and getting plenty of exercise.

When I was young I was stricken with an oligodendroglioma, a very uncommon cancer that probably could not have been avoided based on the age in which I got it. But fifteen years later I got another unrelated tumor from the radiation therapy I had from the first. I can tell you from experience that knowing the potential causes of cancer and how to reduce your chances is very good information to have, and would have been helpful to me to possibly avoid my second tumor altogether.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

What Are the Different Brain Tumor Types?

You may have heard of cancer but have no idea as to what are the different types of brain cancer. A tumor is very serious and dangerous to life. This type of cancer is essentially intracranial or inside the cranium. It is a solid neoplasm which is an abnormal growth of cells that is within the central spinal cord or within the brain.

Types of tumors are abnormal and sporadic cell division within the brain itself. They also affect the pituitary gland, the skull, the lymphatic tissue, the cranial nerves or the pineal gland. Brain cancer are commonly spread from cancerous cells in the body of a person suffering from cancer which are called as metastatic tumors.

Different types of brain cancer

There are two essential brain cancer types that can be treated; these are benign and malignant types. Some types of cancer begin in the brain and are called as primary tumors and those that are metastatic tumors are a result of some cancerous or disease causing cells spread from other parts of the body to the brain. brain cancer types vary even in the symptoms, some tumors are detected with visible symptoms while other show up only in an imaging scan or an autopsy.

Glioma brain cancer: The glial cells are the place from where this tumor originates in the brain or spine.

Meningioma brain cancer: Arising from meninges or the membranes encompassing the central nervous system, this brain cancer comes out in diverse forms. It is one of the most common primary tumors affecting individuals.

Pituitary adenoma brain cancer: Arising from the pituitary gland which is one of the significant parts of the cranium of the brain, this type of cancer can range from the smallest to as large at 10 mm in size. They are often detected only through brain scans or autopsies.

Nerve sheath brain cancer: Originating in the nervous system, this tumor is one of those types of cancer that are primarily made up of myelin around the nerves of the nervous system.

How can one treat brain tumor?

A neurosurgeon is often a person who can treat all brain tumor types. The most common treatment for tumors is to completely remove it in case it does not affect any immediate or serious part of the brain through surgery. Other treatments include radiation therapy where the brain tumor is treated with radiation waves. This will ensure that the brain tumor reduces in size or the cells within the tumor die in order to prevent the spread of the tumor. Gamma knife treatment is also a very effective way of treating all brain tumor types as the gamma knife machine cuts the brain tumor cells by isolating gamma waves on the brain tumor.

Chemotherapy is also a commonly used treatment for treating all brain tumor types.

Successfully recoveries from all brain tumor types are present all over the world, as neurosurgeons have managed to treat them in order to give people a second life with the most advanced technologies at hand.